In the primordial void that proceeded existence, there were only two beings; Kharos, and his sister Solansia.

In the primordial void that proceeded existence, there were only two beings; Kharos, and his sister Solansia. Both divine, they represented a dichotomy; the diametrically opposed forces of all creation. Where Kharos was darkness, Solansia was the light; where Kharos was death, Solansia was life; where Kharos was chaos, Solansia was order. The two existed alone for untold millennia, until Kharos, ever a fickle beast, grew bored. From the boredom of this dark god, grew the spark of all existence.
Tired of life with his sister alone, Kharos created the first plane of existence, the Outer Dark, to serve as a new form of amusement. To populate this hellscape, he created the first demons, who would eventually become gods themselves by virtue of their age and power alone.
For thousands of years, consumed by lust and hunger for power, the demons and other twisted creatures of Kharos’ design engaged in endless warfare. Whenever one would grow too powerful, the god would interject in some ingenious way to tip the scales, avoiding the chance for stagnation. His vision was for a world where chaos ruled above all.
Horrified by her brother’s new hobby, Solansia did her best to dissuade him from indulging his cruelest instincts, but her entreaties fell on deaf ears. At first, she did not intervene, as she loved him, and hoped that with time she could convince him to see the error of his ways. However, her resolve changed the day Kharos told her of his latest idea, what he considered to be his greatest yet; to introduce innocent souls, unable to defend themselves from the physical and psychological horrors of the Outer Dark.
Solansia wept at the thought of such suffering, and from her tears she fashioned a new plane. Taking the seeds that would become her brother’s new innocents, she placed them in the new plane, and sealed it from Kharos and the Outer Dark. This plane would come to be known as Solanse, so named for its creator and protector.